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Writer's pictureLititz Art Association

Using an Off-Color in Paintings with Jeffrey Kaufhold

Jeffrey Kaufhold - Using an Off-Color in Paintings
Jeffrey Kaufhold

Jeff Kaufold started painting in oils and concentrated on realism back in 7th grade. In fact, he stuck with realism for a long time. However, his majors in college were physics and math, but he found the time to fit in a watercolor class with Bob Lyons, and that is where he started to look at his subject matter in a very expressionistic way. He posed the question - “Do tomatoes have to be red?”

"Do tomatoes have to be red?"

Jef likes to work in watercolor and now oils. He enjoys using the off-color or variant color or “twisted color”, as he labels it.

To help him push the color envelope he uses a free program called “GIMP”. As he changes things in ‘GIMP’, he still likes to maintain some elements of realism in his work. One example was turning a ballet dancer in a flowing dress into a flower. He does not do a lot of blending with his colors, allowing the viewers eye to do that work.

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